Saturday, January 18, 2025
Dearest Anne, Mike, Joan Chapman and Family,
Lovely obituary and tribute to dear Elsie. Please accept my most sincere condolences on the passing of your dear Mother and Aunt. Those of us at “Stitch and Bitch”, the morning of her passing, were very touched by Anne’s kind personal delivery of the sad news. I know how precious she was to you all and was so pleased, Anne, that you got to spend extended time with your Mum over the last several years. You were all so attentive to her! Though I only had the pleasure of knowing our lovely Elsie for the last 22 years or so, she enriched my life with her quiet wisdom and gentle ways! Elsie shared Mike’s electrical expertise with me and also gifted me with examples of her extensive knitting skills! I remember fondly spending a day with her at her home near Peggy’s Cove and meeting and chatting with her dear neighbour as he refurbished his model lighthouse. So many lovely memories of chats together in her condo. She will be sorely missed. Warmest regards, Helen Stewart